First of all, it is about deepening consciousness and the energy that is everywhere. It's about life, compassion and unconditional love - as we are.
The energy has no limitations in space and time. To activate the pranic energy, it does not matter whether you are physically near the facilitator or online. Only your desire and trust are needed.
For your first experience with the Life:Energy Kundalini Activation practice, we recommend the online group format, because in your own room you can relax, trust, and feel more open.
LIFE: ENERGY – Kundalini Activation with Yaryna Volynska
30.06 | 11:00 - 12:30
Conditions for the session: Cozy room, yoga mat or bed, internet/video connection.
Online в ZOOM
The value of participation: 2000 UAH / $50
LIFE: ENERGY – Kundalini Activation with Yaryna Volynska
7.12 | 11:00 - 12:30
Conditions for the session: Cozy room, yoga mat or bed, internet/video connection.
Online в ZOOM
The value of participation: 2000 UAH / $50
The first and only training of Kundalini Activation masters in Ukraine with Yaryna Volynska
24.11 | start course | online
Terms of participation in the course:
1️⃣ Have experience of Kundalini Activation sessions.
2️⃣ Have a cathartic experience (active energy).
3️⃣ Have no contraindications.
4️⃣ Take a video interview.
The price of early registration is valid until 5.11
You don't need to believe in anything, you don't need to know anything. You need to trust the process and surrender to the energy that will do what is necessary.
This is the wise and living power of the Divine Mother (unconditional love). It will work at the necessary and sufficient level for your soul. Do not create any expectations.
The essence of your being will manifest itself, and no one knows how.
During the practice, Shiva and Shakti, masculine and feminine, fear and trust, left and right brain, sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems are united.
During the session, you may experience reflexes, spontaneous movements, emotions, screams and hysterics, energy sensations, cold/heat, visions, memories of past lives. Your personality and your mind will only be an observer.
The energy that moves during the practice literally demolishes unlived emotions, blocks, and traumas on its way. And this is what we are born with. Everyone can access this energy and practice with a guide or on their own.
To participate in the online session, you must join a closed Telegram group - you will receive access to it immediately after payment and registration. The telegram group will contain an invitation to Zoom.
For the best work of the body with energies, it is recommended to eat 24 hours before the session:
For the best work of the body with energies, it is recommended to eat 24 hours before the session:
+ We recommend drinking plenty of water, eating easy-to-digest foods, eating vegetables and fruits, and fresh food.
Prerequisites for the session:
The online session will last up to 90 minutes, of which 60 minutes will be spent practicing. At the beginning of the session, the master will set you up and prepare you, answer your questions.
You will lie on a yoga mat or in bed. Music is playing (but not required). The facilitator directs energy from a distance to specific centers in the body, chakras/meridians. This is all that happens outside. Inside you can have completely different processes and your own inner feelings and transformations, in which your consciousness will be only an observer.
It is important to remember that during the entire Life:Energy session you will be fully conscious and at any time you can open your eyes, stand up, and end the practice - if you feel the need to do so.
At the end of the session, the facilitator will gently guide you to the end of the session, give you some recommendations for completing the practice and what you need to know to integrate the experience. If you wish, you can stay lying down as long as you need, without talking, without opening your eyes - follow your feelings.
Test conference to check and configure ZOOM:
- Follow the link, join the test conference, and follow the prompts to set up and test ZOOM.
During the Kundalini (Inner Life Energy) Activation session, it is important to let go of any control, expectations and prejudices.
Your task is to relax your whole body and trust the master, the process, and the space.
Everyone's experience is absolutely unique and there is no such thing as right or wrong in spiritual practice. Everyone has their own individual processes, their own level of readiness and openness. Therefore, the practice will take place at the best necessary and sufficient level, the level that you need now.
Experience can differ and manifest itself in different ways - physically, in sensations, emotions, visually.
The energy that is activated during the practice literally demolishes unlived emotions, blocks, traumas, (personality, ego) on its way to deep awareness, integrity and balance - at this moment, catharsis can occur.
Catharsis is a simultaneous, intense, and rapid release of a person's internal blocked energies, a release from tension in the body and mind. Catharsis can be triggered by the consent of our ego to cede control.
During catharsis, reflexes, spontaneous movements, emotions, screams and hysterics, sensations of energy, cold/heat, visions, memories of past lives can occur.
The following manifestations may occur during the session:
Everything is fine - it is normal. Emotions and situations that you have accumulated throughout your life have taken root and you have created your own system of defense and armor in which your mind does not allow you to consciously reach deeper levels of consciousness.
More often it manifests itself as "falling asleep", you blacked out and don't remember anything, or "I didn't feel anything" - but this does not mean that nothing happened. Everything happened at the necessary level, regardless of whether you felt it or not. There were physical movements or not.
Kundalini energy is the wise and living power of the Divine Mother (unconditional love). It will work at the necessary and sufficient level for your soul. Do not create any expectations and work on adding more presence and consciousness to your life. We invite you to visit the session again.
There are no restrictions on the number of sessions, you can take as many sessions as you feel necessary for yourself.
The energy has no limitations in space and time. To activate pranic energy, it doesn't matter if you are physically near the facilitator. All you need is a conscious decision to go into practice.
Globally, it does not matter to the energy in what format the practice takes place, the practice will take place only if the practitioner allows it and does not resist.
For the first experience, we recommend an online session, as you can be in your comfort and familiar space (at home, in your room, on the bed). And after gaining experience online, decide whether you are ready to try a face-to-face session with the master.
During offline sessions, the facilitator has more tools for interaction (touch, additional musical instruments) that he or she can use, provided that the practitioner already has some experience.
First of all
Our body is the smartest and most complex autonomous machine, a computer in the world, which regulates most of its functions autonomously with the help of the nervous system. It is impossible to go deeper into practice, more, to raise some unrealistic amount of energy that our body cannot withstand - our psyche simply will not let us go there if we are not ready - neither physically, nor mentally, nor consciously. (To make this happen, gurus of the past and present give their entire lives to this).
Translated with (free version)
During the Life:Energy Kundalini Activation sessions, we work with the very first level of kundalini - PranaKundalini, which is the energy flow of Prana, the vital energy that is in us and everywhere.
Everything here is interconnected. To move to some deeper levels of Kundalini - ChitKundalini, ParaKundalini - you need tens of thousands of repetitions of practice, to live an ascetic life, and to devote your whole life to spiritual practices, and then perhaps during your life your body and consciousness will let you go to the second level of ChitKundalini, But the third level - ParaKundalini - occurs at the moment of death - for the highest spiritual masters it happens consciously - this moment is called realization, and we will most likely pass the 3rd level also when we leave the physical body, but not consciously and return to the wheel of samsara.
В момент практики активації кундаліні - пранакундаліні - яка вивільнюється по тілу зносить на своєму шляху всі маски Его і зустрічається з усіма енергетичними блоками які накопичуються в нашому тілі в процесі соціального життя , ми можемо йти шляхом болю й супротиву під час практики і триматися за свої упередження та установки самообману , або ж здатися цій енергії - поплакати, подивитись правді в обличчя, зняти з себе весь тягар цього світу - не обманювати самого себе та інших - і просто бути, бути щасливим в середині - без залежності від зовнішнього.
At the moment of practice, the activation of kundalini - pranakundalini - which is released through the body demolishes all the masks of the ego and meets all the energy blocks that accumulate in our body in the process of social life, We can follow the path of pain and resistance during the practice and hold on to our prejudices and self-deception attitudes, or surrender to this energy - cry, face the truth, take off the burden of this world - not deceive ourselves and others - and just be, be happy inside - without dependence on the outside.
Yes. Going through this experience and shifting the illusory limitations of the ego is painful, it is difficult. But then there is something else - for example, love, happiness, joy in every drop of grass - and this is all inside us, regardless of what is happening outside.
We invite you to the first and only Kundalini Activation facilitator training in Ukraine!
HRAM : Energy School conducts the course "Life:Energy Kundalini Activation Facilitator".
This training is for those who want to deepen their Vedic knowledge, increase their sensitivity to the inner life force (kundalini) and learn how to conduct energies consciously for themselves and for other people in the practice of Life:Energy - activation of the inner life force Kundalini.
Not recommended for pregnant women without prior experience of kundalini activation.
Prohibited for pregnant women in the third trimester. Late pregnancy is a time to rest and prepare for childbirth, not to reconfigure the system.
It is forbidden to practice under the influence of alcohol, psychotropic substances or drugs.
It is prohibited for people with epilepsy or similar chronic disorders of the brain or nervous system.
The goal of Life:Energy is to expand consciousness, not to treat it physically.
We do not recommend attending sessions for people with physical illnesses for the purpose of treating these illnesses. You can return to Life:Energy after you have physically recovered and for the purpose of deepening consciousness, not treatment.
Not recommended for people with psychosis, mania, or other serious mental problems (mentally unstable categori
However, PTSD, anxiety, and depression are not considered mental illnesses, and in such cases, Life:Energy can be helpful.
Not recommended if you have been taking antidepressants for a long time. The sensitivity to Life:Energy may be lower, but this is individual and depends on the person and the medicine.
Children under the age of 13 may not be emotionally mature enough for this process, we do not recommend it.
Teenagers between the ages of 14 and 18 are allowed to do their internships in the presence of their parents or guardians.
Life:Energy sessions are open to anyone who is in good physical shape and fit enough to engage in fitness and exercise.